Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

Mastering Social Media Engagement: 7 Tried and True Strategies

Social media has woven itself into the very fabric of our lives. Whether you're a budding influencer, a small business owner, or simply using it to stay connected, there's one key metric that reigns supreme: social media engagement. But with the deluge of online content and the ever-evolving algorithms of social platforms, staying ahead and boosting your engagement can be quite the challenge.

In this article, we're about to uncover seven proven methods that will help you level up your social media game. So, let's dive right in and explore the secrets to elevating your social media engagement!

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

Turbocharge Your Email List Growth with an Irresistible Opt-In Upgrade

Buckle up, because I'm about to unleash the secret sauce to skyrocket your email list growth: supercharge your opt-in strategy.

Prepare to soak up some wisdom in this post:

7 ingenious ways to sprinkle magnetism into your opt-in—without tearing it down and starting from scratch The ultimate opt-in blunder most business folk make and how to gracefully sidestep it The VIP of opt-in pages that you must have (seriously, if you don't, you're losing subscribers) Ready for the magic? Let's dive right in!

Attention, All Hustlers: List-Building Is Your Golden Ticket I see your intellect shining and your business game face on. How? Because you're all about that list-building game, ready to pump it up to priority status.

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

21 Effective Strategies for Rapid Client Acquisition

Unlock a multitude of avenues to secure clients for your services.

Whether it's through in-person interactions, online platforms, speaking engagements (virtual or physical), written content, email outreach, telephone calls, reconnecting with past contacts, or forging new connections…

The exciting aspect is that, as a service provider, you possess the freedom to select the methods that resonate most with you to attract clients.

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

Rediscover Your Passion: How to Fall Back in Love with Your Business Again

Remember the exhilarating rush you felt when you first started your business?

The sleepless nights fueled by dreams and determination? Somewhere along the journey, the daily grind might have dimmed that spark.

But fear not, dear service providers, for in this blog, we're going to explore how to rekindle that fiery passion and fall head over heels in love with your business all over again.

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

The Ultimate Guide to Snagging Clients for Your Online, Service-Based Business

Navigating the freelancing jungle is like swinging through vines of uncertainty, armed only with your skills and a burning desire for freedom. But fear not, fellow freelancers, for the secret weapon in this wild terrain is none other than the legendary art of marketing.

In this grand saga of client conquests, we're about to unravel the epic importance of marketing and arm you with tips sharper than a porcupine's quill, so you can score more clients and rise like a phoenix in the gig economy.

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

25 Effective Marketing Ideas for Solopreneurs

As a solopreneur, marketing plays a vital role in building brand awareness, attracting customers, and driving business growth. With limited resources and a hands-on approach to running your business, it's crucial to implement efficient and cost-effective marketing strategies. In this blog post, we'll explore 25 marketing ideas tailored specifically for solopreneurs. Let's dive in!

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

From Zero to Six Figures in 8 Months using only Social Media

In today's digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses to connect with their target audience and drive growth. This case study explores the journey of our marketing agency in building a six-figure business in just eight months, solely leveraging the power of social media. By implementing strategic tactics and creative campaigns, we were able to achieve remarkable success, solidifying our expertise in social media marketing.

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

Maximize Your Productivity: Unleash the Magic of AI

Maximize Your Productivity: Unleash the AI Magic to Save Time on Content Creation and Become the Superstar of Efficiency!

Picture this: you, the savvy solopreneur, juggling a gazillion tasks while desperately trying to create captivating content. It's like walking a tightrope while juggling flaming swords, right? Well, fear not, my friend, because artificial intelligence (AI) is here to lend you a helping hand.

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

Unlocking Freelancer Success: The Savvy Solopreneur's Guide to Market Research

Picture this: You're a realtor in a bustling market, armed with charm, charisma, and an arsenal of property listings. You're ready to conquer the world of real estate and make those jaw-dropping deals. But wait! Before you embark on this thrilling journey, there's a crucial tool you must wield: market research. It's the secret sauce that separates the savvy realtors from the rest, and today we're going to uncover its witty wonders. So buckle up and get ready to decode the importance of market research for realtors!

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

Unleash Your Inner Branding Ninja: Building a Killer Brand in 2023

Welcome, brave freelancers, to the ultimate branding showdown! In this wild and unpredictable world of freelancing, you need a brand that's sharper than a samurai sword and cooler than a cucumber in a snowstorm. So, grab your creativity katana and let's dive into the art of brand mastery, sprinkled with a generous dose of witty magic and a few extra tips to help you stand out from the pack.

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

Mastering Marketing: Tips for Service Providers

Our objective is to provide realtors with effective marketing tips to help them increase their sales and attract more clients.

Welcome to this weeks blog on effective real estate marketing. As a realtor, marketing is a crucial aspect of your business. In this class, we'll discuss some practical tips that can help you improve your marketing strategy and grow your business.

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

Time Management Tips For 2023

If you find yourself wishing that there was more time in the day, you might want to make time management your New Year’s resolution!

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

3 Sneaky Ways to Make a Small Home Office Look Huge

The struggle of the way-too-small home office: a space that needs to be functional often doubling as a guest room and the holding pen for all the random stuff you couldn’t find a home for elsewhere. And did we mention these rooms are often tiny?

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

Habits of Highly Successful Solopreneur Freelancers: Unleash Your Inner Freelance Rockstar!

What makes those solopreneur freelancers stand out from the crowd? Well, it turns out they have some seriously cool habits that make success look like a piece of cake. So, grab your coffee (or whatever fuels your genius) and get ready for some witty wisdom.

First things first, these freelancers are masters of goal-setting. They wake up each morning with a plan so well-defined it could rival a NASA mission. Whether they're conquering a set number of projects or aiming to swim in a pool of cash (metaphorically speaking, of course), their laser-focused approach keeps them on the road to glory.

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Lisa Mansillo Lisa Mansillo

Utilizing Call-to-Actions on Instagram for Entrepreneurs

Instagram has become a vital communication platform for individuals and businesses with its two billion users sharing photos and videos for both personal and commercial purposes. As a realtor, you understand the potential of Instagram to promote your services and build your reputation. However, if you're not seeing the results you desire, it may be time to reevaluate your approach to Call-to-Actions (CTA) in your captions.

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